With the rise of plant based lifestyles, clear labelling is crucial for informed consumer choices. Understanding the challenges faced by plant forward consumers in India is essential for key stakeholders to meet their needs. The survey’s findings highlight key areas for regulatory action and improved business practices to enhance transparency and consumer trust.

Beyond the Carton

Advertising narratives and marketing claims have a significant influence on consumer food preferences and purchasing decisions in the Indian egg industry. Analysis of packaging practices by prominent Indian egg producers shows that storytelling through labels and imagery plays a crucial role in shaping consumer perceptions and behaviours.

The study analyses 154 egg variants from 57 brands, revealing how Indian egg producers frequently use misleading claims on packaging to influence consumer behaviour.

Tell Us Your Problems

As the plant-based lifestyle gains momentum in India, understanding the unique challenges and demands Indian consumers face is vital for industry stakeholders. Our consumer survey insights reveal critical areas for improvement and significant opportunities for market growth, helping industry stakeholders better serve this dedicated and growing community.

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